73-Year-Old Banned From Driving Until 2117 Arrested Again for Driving

Prohibition of 73 years of driving at 2117 arrested again for having led

The main driver was quickly arrested and is now a risk up to a year


    Prohibition of 73 years of driving at 2117 arrested again for having led



  • Southern New Waler Police caught a driver of Subaru forbidden the road for 91 years.
  • The man was arrested and faces serious accusations due to a repeat offender.
  • The 73 -year -old man will have to survive at 165 to recover his license.

Some people simply refuse to take a clue. Traffic law offenders often repeat their violations, but only a few carry it to the extreme as a 73-year-old Australian who was recently arrested for driving, despite his ban on the road until 2117.

The incident occurred in Bathurst, New South Wales, when local police spotted the elderly man behind the wheel of a Subaru last Sunday. During a routine random breathing test, the agents learned that the driver was disqualified to drive in the long term. In fact, its ban extends for 92 years more.

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It turns out that man is no stranger to the authorities. In fact, the police immediately recognized him as a long -term disqualified driver, confirming that he was well known to the police. This is also saved by a Carexpert Report, which indicates that it was his third offense in just five years. It really portrays an image of a person with zero respect for the law – or the concept of consequences.

A photo shared by the command of traffic and the road patrol – NSW Force on Facebook, shows that the man was driving a third generation Subaru Liberty Subaru Liberty sedan.

    Prohibition of 73 years of driving at 2117 arrested again for having led

Traffic and road patrol command – NSW Force / Facebook

As you would expect, the man was arrested and taken to the Bathurst police station, where he was denied the deposit.

The 73 -year -old Australian is now accused of “disqualification conduct” and will appear before the local court on March 10.

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Under the Southern New Wales Act, driving while disqualified can lead to up to six months in prison, recurrences being confronted a year behind bars. So there is that to hope.

In addition to the risk of imprisonment, the Subaru driver will now face new delays to recover his license. Even before this last offense, he should have lived at 165 to see the return of his legal conduct privileges. Unless there is a kind of miracle remedy to age on the horizon, its chances of finding the freedom of the open road seem extremely thin.


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